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Girl Who Grew Up in the African Wild非洲野生長大的女孩(王潔茜提供) (09/14/14)

BREATHTAKING PICS: THE Girl Who Grew Up in the African Wild...

Amazing life and pictures
Girl Who Grew Up in the African Wild ....
The pictures are just gorgeous.... Riding a five-ton elephant, whom she called my brother, chilling with a cheetah or hugging a giant bullfrog as if it were a Teddy bear.
The childhood of a French girl Tippi Degre sounds more like a newer version of Mowgli, rather than something real. A white child, she was born in Namibia to French wildlife photographer parents, and grew up in Africa . Tippi spent her whole childhood playing with wild animals including lion cubs, a mongoose, a snake, a cheetah, baby zebra, giraffes and crocodiles.
The little girl saw nothing unusual about her company: I don't have friends here. Because I never see children.
So the animals are my friends, she once said.
Tippi is now 23 years old, and the only child to wildlife photographer parents Sylvie Robert and Alain Degre, who published her photos in a book called Tippi of Africa. It was magical to be able to be free in this nature with this child. She was a very lucky little girl she was born and raised until the age of 10 totally in the wild." said Sylvie.

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How she appears today.......at the end of the child pics

Tippi 一個野生的法國小女孩的成長照片


△ 所有我認識的女孩子都是家養的,只有我是例外,我是野生的。
△ 我的天賦就是與動物相親,我會跟動物說話,用眼睛跟動物交流。
△ 阿布,是我的大象哥哥──鴕鳥背上好暖和──豹子很危險,但我照樣和他玩。
△ 我們人類當中有一些人很凶惡,凶的一點道理也沒有,僅僅是從中取樂。
△ 四歲的時候,我認識了狒孩兒星迪,它跟我差不多大小。 我們四處爬樹,還換奶瓶喝奶。